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How to find information about a taxon?

online plant identification guide
Taxa (species, genera, etc.)

The main tool for a quick transition to pages to view and edit information on taxa is a search by name. You can search both by Russian and by the Latin name of the taxon.

How to search

  1. Click on the Search for taxa menu located in section "Services" in the right pane of the site. If you want to immediately open the search page with the settings, click on the menu item with the middle mouse button.
  2. Enter in the empty field a sample for search. It may be the name of a taxon (possibly a compound name, for example "Betula pendula") or part of it.
  3. Click on the "Find" button or press [Enter] on your keyboard.
  4. To improve the accuracy of your search, on the results page, you can refine the rank of the taxon you are looking for and how the names are matched against the pattern, and then repeat the search.

Search results

The search result is a list of found taxa or a report on the absence of names that meet the search conditions. If the list is large, then it is displayed page by page; you can go to the next page using the navigation links before and after the list of results.

If you find the required taxon in the list of results, click on the name with the mouse. In the pop-up menu that appears, you can select a link to a page with taxon details or to a page with a list of subtaxa. If you are previously logged in, the menu will additionally contain links to the editing pages of various sections of the taxon details.

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